Jul 09, 2019

Similarly ifconfig on my server gives 2 tun0 IP addresses different to the one above. There is a 3rd machine - a remote client - which has not had an entry made in ipp.txt . It doesn't really worry me - but I just don't see how these entries in ipp.txt can possibly help. IPP.txt - two questions - VPN: Site to Site and Remote Jul 21, 2016 dhcp - IP served by OpenVPN doesn't take ipp.txt into

I have set up a openVPN tunnel using the following server side configuration: port 1194 proto udp dev tun server ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt ca ca.crt cert server.crt key server.key dh dh1024.pem push "route" push "redirect-gateway def1" push "dhcp-option DNS" push "dhcp-option DNS" comp-lzo keepalive 10 60 ping-timer-rem persist

Duplicate ipp.txt entry - narkive

GitHub - adamwalach/openvpn-web-ui: Web interface (with

Please find the code below Login into the VeeamPN server by ssh and paste the code to a file. every time you are running the script it writes IP addresses into /etc/hosts_veeampn file (you can change filename by editing value of OUTPUT_FILE variable