The Pirate Parties are political incarnations of the freedom of expression movement, trying to achieve their goals by the means of the established political system rather than through activism. In 2017 PPI had been granted special consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

Canadian Pirate Party Will Officially Miss First Election Oct 02, 2019 About | United States Pirate Party The United States Pirate Party (USPP) was founded in 2006 by Brent Allison and Alex English. Our platform is aligned with the International Pirate Movement. We support and work toward reformation of intellectual property (IP) laws, true governmental transparency, and protection of … The Pirate Party of Canada Is Official - Slashdot

Welcome to the Pirate Party Platform Spotlight where I explain a selected planks from the party's 2015 election platform (since I highly doubt the media will). Ok, lets get this over with. What's with the attitude? Well, the Pirate Party of Canada is hopelessly typecast. If people are aware of the Pirate Party they already know it opposes intellectual property

The United States Pirate Party (USPP) is an American political party founded in 2006 by Brent Allison and Alex English. The party's platform is aligned with the global Pirate movement, and supports reform of copyright laws to reflect open source and free culture values, government transparency, protection of privacy and civil liberties.The United States Pirate Party also advocates for evidence CORE POLICY OF THE ICELANDIC PIRATE PARTY - Píratar Þingflokkur Pírata samanstendur af 6 þingmönnum eftir Alþingiskosningarnar 2017 þar sem Píratar fengu 9,2% kjörinna atkvæða.. Sjá alla. Þingmál. Þingskjöl þar sem þingmenn Pírata eru málshefjendur á vef Alþingis. Below you can find the core policy of The Pirate Party … List of federal political parties in Canada - Wikipedia

Pirate Party UK - Wikipedia

Jul 08, 2009 CANADA: Pirate Party of Canada Makes Basic Income a Major The Pirate Party of Canada has explicitly made a basic income guarantee one of four key components of their platform. As a national election is upcoming, the party has publicized several of their key issues and has made both a video and an infographic describing the benefits of a basic income in Canada and how it is attainable without raising taxes. Pirate Parties International - Wikipedia The Pirate Parties are political incarnations of the freedom of expression movement, trying to achieve their goals by the means of the established political system rather than through activism. In 2017 PPI had been granted special consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council.